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Ultimate Source? Part Two – The Beer Store’s Selection Claim

December 26th, 2008 · 1 Comment

The Beer Store claims to be “The Ultimate Source for Beer in Ontario” and we discussed one of the reasons why this is unfounded.  Another one is The Beer Store’s claim that the beer selection they have is one of the best in the world.

Let’s put aside the fact that The Beer Store don’t even stock certain styles of beer – for example, you can’t get a Trappist beer at The Beer Store, or a lambic for that matter.  That’s another story.

But from a numbers perspective, The Beer Store claims to have 350 brands available.  On their web site they audaciously claim that “It would be difficult to find a larger selection of beer anywhere in the world than at The Beer Store“.  This statement is untrue for any beer connoisseur.  It is, in fact, not difficult to find a larger selection of beer. 

Keep in mind that many of the brands that comprise The Beer Store’s tally include sub-brands of Beer Store owners Molson, Labatt and Sapporo.  Taking a glance through their web site reveals that at least 107 brands are of the Beer Store owners, representing about 30% of brands available.

On to finding a larger selection around the world.  At Premier Gourmet in Buffalo, they list 1,010 brands available – about 188% more than The Beer Store.  At Sam’s Wine in Chicago, they list 483 domestic craft beers, 720 imported craft beers, 112 macrobrews and 62 “other” beers. That totals 1,377 beers – about 293% more!  And even the Beverage Warehouse in Los Angeles lists 276 domestic beers and 309 imported beers – 585 total or 67% more.  These are all stores that I’ve been to myself – certainly there are others from around the world that would easily beat The Beer Store’s total.

It is infuriating that The Beer Store makes a claim like this to imply their selection is world-class.  Under a open beer retail system, we might see stores like Premier Gourmet, Sam’s Wine and Beverage Warehouse in Ontario.  Until then, we are stuck with The Beer Store’s 350 brands.

Tags: The Beer Store

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